You have a YouTube channel or something Danny? I've seen you "distributing" your vids in context of specific convesations here, but I didn't know whether you had them all somewhere online. I seem to recall that they were in a proprietary Windows format though, so I don't think I could check them out. I sure would appreciate - I do have a few excerpts from your posts pasted into notes on my laptop for quick reference. ;)
I do have a Youtube channel, but no Rain, unfortunately brother, I don't offer them online. All the video's I do these days are for clients that have contacted me about specific techniques or full mixes where I run video while I mix their song.
I have about 30 that I've done for fun over the years, but nothing that anyone would take serious because most times I have a bit too much fun in those situations. LOL! But the vids I do now are custom made to a persons needs.
I have several students (as well as clients) that send me entire mixes via bundle files or wave files if they use another DAW other than Sonar. I load them up and show them how to fix them instrument at a time...what to listen for, why I use certain things, what to do, what not to do, where they did good, where they failed, why something sounds bad etc etc...it's pretty intense.
I cover anything and everthing. Compression, effects, busses, parallel compression, imaging, eq, tricks I use personally...stuff like that. Some of the videos may be 6 chapters. Drums alone usually is a video all in itself.
It's like....imagine sending one of your mixes to someone to where you could sit with them and watch them do the entire mix from the ground up while asking questions. Of course "the questions" usually come after they see the video, but I try my best to answer whatever they may ask during the video so they ask less questions through mail or on the phone. That's the best way I can explain it really. :) What's good is, the stuff I teach will work on any DAW. I just use Sonar as my weapon of choice and often times use the plugs that are supplied with it unless someone calls for something like UAD or they say "hey Danny, mix it the way YOU would mix it". Then I have some fun. :)