I wonder how out it was. And change of key may only be a fraction of a semitone. I guess get the remastered version and find out. Just goes to show how people could make mistakes even back then. Same thing can happen now. Someone had varispeed switched on one of the mastering tape machines and did not notice it until later.
I still have a Technics Hi Fi direct drive turntable from the 70's. I have never seen so much electronics inside a turntable. Anyway varispeeding is its thing and it is very continuously adjustable over a nice range. It has a lovely strobe too.
More importantly is the arm and pickup mounted on top of it and that in this case is the famous Shure V15 type III. Running through an expensive RIAA equaliser yields a fantastic sound especially on the Sheffield Lab albums from the 80's. There is so much detail it is quite breath taking. The Stones always sounded good too.