So how do some of you do it? Head into your studio to make some music. Do you follow a routine or have a daily schedule that you stick to? Here's a mock up of my schedule...
8am - Wake up and avoid a shower
9am - Eat breakfast. Sonarflakes with Raptureberries
10am - Take a peek into my studio but don't go in because I haven't showered for 7 days
11am - Hit the Forums!
12pm - Eat lunch if I can break away from the Forums. Bread and wine out of Staff View
1pm - Get back on the Forums. Avoid calls from Selena at all cost
2pm - Break from the Forums
3pm - Head off to an autograph session
4pm - Hang out with RogerH and BristolJonesy while avoiding anything compliments of Avid
5pm - Hit the arcade! Play classics like... Bakers Kong, Sonar-Man, X Invaders, Z3tapede
6pm - Eat dinner. Steak w/o shrimp
7pm - Hit the john but avoid a shower at all cost
8pm - Hit the Forums but don't preach to Ensign Chreggkov or MysticOne
9pm - Watch a movie, Pirates of the Sonaribbean: DAW Man's Chest
11pm -Take a peek into my studio, but this time check for any spiders, ticks or earwigs
12am - Get some Beep, I mean sleep