I'm not just saying this like everybody else on here but I'm the only one that was able to achieve that sound everyone is asking about. Getting the true sound of Carlos Santana.
If you check out my youtube site and see all of my Santana cover videos I'm sure you will be convinced.
Here's the link and if anyone has any questions about gear please feel free to ask anytime.
I have been playing and studying his technique, tone and his music for nearly 40 years.
Willie, for me to understand I'll need your input.
"I'm not just saying this like everybody else on here" - who is "everybody" and exactly what are they saying?
You lead me to believe that EVERYBODY here is claiming to sound like Carlos. If that is what you're saying I don't agree with you.
"I'm the only one that was able to achieve that sound everyone is asking about"- Well I thought you said they were claiming to sound like him and now you're saying they are asking how to sound like him...which is it? Well either way if you think you're all alone...I sure don't want to put a bug in your soup.
"If you check out my youtube site and see all of my Santana cover videos I'm sure you will be convinced - well that's just not possible...I haven't heard (nor seen) all the others that you claim to be out performing. And my other question from confusion is, how do you know you're the only one? Is that an award, contest, self-proclamation or what? I just don't understand that and you didn't explain.
"Here's the link and if anyone has any questions about gear please feel free to ask anytime." - thank you but not really interested in gear. My VG-8 has a fantastic Carlos pre-set that I've never needed.
"I have been playing and studying his technique, tone and his music for nearly 40 years" - Willie your persistance is amazing...forty years.... I'm very glad you achieved your goal. So what now? Or, who now? With there being so many guitarist with their signature sound maybe EVH would be a good one...the brown sound...
I also believe that mocking another guitarist is a great way to learn. One spending the time to learn another's picking technique, choice of equipment and reasons why, theory application and aspects of use are all ways of increasing
one's knowledge of the instrument and abilities.
I subscribe to a magazine that features popular artists equipment list and signal chain for the interested. Although my personal interest are more directly to the way the musician "feels" or the "attitude" and playing traits such as "licks" or favored modes (how or what they think or build on), I do enjoy looking at their gear choices for no particular reason. The reason I'm not that interested is that my interest is in learning how to make software sound real. Since I will more than likely never be on stage again the real challenge to me is getting the amp sims to sound real...now there is a real challenge..sht it only takes a few turns to dial in an amp. Well maybe longer for some and I understand it can be hard for them. After all the history of dialing in tone from an amp only goes back to the '50's I reckon. And really, how many doing the one man DAW need all that space and hardware?
Challenges of the guitarist....that's cool and once again, I'm glad you feel you reached a goal you set. You sure have a confusing way of saying it though. (at least confusing to me and that really doesn't matter)
mistake corrected-I wrote VG-88 but it's been to long since I used it- I think it's a VG-8