Jeff Evans
Hi Dave. Well I downloaded the manual for this unit and it looks pretty good actually. It says the nominal output is supposed to be +10 dBu and a maximum output of +20 dBu. Now these seem like pretty decent output levels so one could expect to be able to get a decent level going into your soundcard even with the +4dBu input setting which is what I would definitely use in this case. I also see that even the high Z unbalanced outs are sporting exactly the same levels as well.
I see there is no separate output level control so I assume you get this output level by setting the input gain accordingly. Usually when there are balances output connectors on anything the levels there are +4dBu. I assume you are leaving the Hi and Lo controls set flat.
So what happens when you set your soundcard to +4dBu (input) and just keep increasing the input gain until the desired level is reached going into the Delta. The input pad should also be OFF. Is it BTW? If the PAD is on then your output level is going to drop 20dB hence the nominal output goes from +10dBu down to -10dbu which could explain things. Under normal conditions the Peavey should easily drive +4dBu level nicely into the Delta without any distortion as +4dBu is already 6dB down on the nominal output level (+10dBu) so it should be easy to get there.
If your PAD is OFF as it may well be it might be good to have the Peavey checked out. Sounds like it is working but for some reason your output levels are way low hence the reason you have to go down to -10 on the Delta input in order to get anything going in properly. You should be blasting the Delta even on the +4dBu input setting easily.
Thanks for looking into this Jeff. Yes this unit is well built and performs well. It has almost a cult following that I fully understand. It has a Neve like sound except a little more color that that appeals to some. But it suits my vocal well. I will probably hang on to it until it puffs out green smoke.
To get to some of your points.
I do have the PAD off. I may experiment that to be see the effect, but I will assume what you're reading is correct and it should be left off.
The eq section is labeled High and Low and I do use those to enhance the sound. Again, I can hit the bypass and try some configurations without introducing the eq section.
What happens when I have the soundcard set to +4 is I end up pushing the gain knob up to around 8 on and still do not have quite the gain I need when recording. Once the gain knob is set past 7, the VMP2 starts to add more harmonics (nice word for distortion) than I want for vocals. It is great for bass or acoustic guitar. But not clean enough for the vocal sound I like (warm, round, clear). But even with those higher settings of gain and beyond, the recording levels are weak ~30 db.
When the soundcard is set at -10, I set the VMP gain knob to around 4 - sweet full clear sounding...
I use the 1/4" unbalanced out into the delta. This is highly recommended by several including Jim Williams who mods these and I found one of the original engineers who also recommends this for a cleaner sound that bypasses the output transformer.