There is another advantage of using different 'console' style EQ's that is often overlooked as a desirable quality.
In other words the pre-chosen bands, curves (indeed the interplay between curves gives the Pultec a particular style) and other settings can often impose on your workflow in a positive way. So the limitations of the design can make it easier to achieve desired results with a good working knowledge or 'expertise' with a particular plug-in of this type.
There are enough choices out there for anyone to choose something that suits a particular ear and way of working.
So yes any DSP Eq is a good choice but being limited to a particular choice can impose a great workflow and personal mixing style just like it would if you had to conform to what was fitted in your hardware console's channel strip.
This is an important factor that often gets lost in technical discussions on 'Q' curves, filter types and such like.
I tend to use an Eq like this, along with HPF/LPF filters to knock a mix into shape and anything like the Sonitus for more detailed surgery if required.
I doesn't matter much which specific brand of plug-in I use but most projects I do will have those aspects of Eq'ing covered in the same way.