• Techniques
  • Before going into the studio... (p.2)
2012/07/29 11:30:17
I shower at least twice a day and put on clean clothes every day. I don't see why I'd make an exception when working the studio. 
2012/07/29 19:02:41
Yesterday I did about an hours worth of weeding and mowed the lawn. I went inside and headed straight to my home studio. I first leaned on some of my room deadening panels then sat down and fired up Sonar and threw on my closed back headphones. About 5 minutes into my session, things didn't feel right. My hands and finger nails had dirt on them and I was still drenched wet in my own sweat. My forehead was dripping sweat and dripped onto my keyboard controller and keyboard whenever I leaned forward (I needed a headband not a headphone.) I took off my shirt which had some dirt/grass/lawnmower exhaust on it and started wiping off the sweat from my gear. I later showered and got cleaned off. I re-entered my home studio and couldn't believe how dirty and smelly it got. I then sprayed some room freshener. The idea of me working in the studio when I was dirty didn't quite work out. My wife suggested that I make the studio as dirty as possible so that I don't need to be clean inside the studio. My first idea was to setup two studios, one where I can always be dirty and one where I have to be clean. But the always dirty studio might suite me better because I'm mostly dirty and shower every 7-10 days. @Rain - don't know how you do it man but I got to figure it all out so I can sit down and make some music. It's hard enough already not to be able to snack and drink pop around the studio.
2012/07/29 19:59:29
I'm mostly dirty and shower every 7-10 days

Dude, that's gross. As was your story about sweating all over your gear... We don't need to hear that...

make sure the mini fridge is stocked with bottled waters

Make sure you have plenty of room temperature water too! Singers should never be aloud cold or hot drinks. Room temp only. I personally hate cold water. I don't understand the craze. If I'm thirsty, I want to be able to drink lots of water! Cold water makes this impossible without a brain freeze! People these days don't drink near enough water, and creating the idea that it must be cold to be consumed means we consume less! Room temp water all the way, the healthy way :)
2012/07/29 22:56:53
I get brain freeze even with room temperature water.....
2012/07/29 23:25:21
I was going to say depends if it's Saturday but I'm thinking you may be serious....
My recomendation..scrub that thang
2012/07/29 23:46:14

@Rain - don't know how you do it man but I got to figure it all out so I can sit down and make some music. It's hard enough already not to be able to snack and drink pop around the studio.


1: I hate to stink and I have a supernaturally sensitive nose
2: I live among fellow humans and I'd hate to have a negative impact on their well-being
3: The more often you do it, the less time you have to spend each time
4: A shower relaxes me and makes me feel more comfortable.

Bonus: I come up w/ my best song ideas in the shower. ;)
2012/07/30 00:01:03
I'd add a few more.

5: I hate going to bed without a shower cause it's uncomfortable and I go to the gym most nights beforehand too
6: Hate putting on clean clothes if I haven't had a shower cause it just feels uncomfortable.

Hence 2 showers/day.

Bonus: I come up w/ my best song ideas in the shower. ;) 

Haha, I spend soooo long singing in the shower sometimes.. Working on what I learnt from singing lessons.. Then have an epiphany and don't stop till the hot water runs out!

2012/07/30 03:43:40
Seriously, I close the internet and stop reading troll threads.

2012/07/30 04:09:19
Well, just to pour cold water on all this - we woke up this morning and guess what? No hot water.

It was fine last night, this morning bugger all.

We had to boil up some kettles and have a makeshift scrub down.

It's not the gas supply, the gas cooker works fine, so it must be electrical.

Engineer will be here this afternoon.

Yours, stinky Jones
2012/07/30 05:02:22
Did your pilot light blow out? Most gas storage water heaters don't use electricity. They are exceedingly simple systems and the pilot going out is the number 1 cause of no hot water. Check it and fix it yourself!!!
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