re: songs forum
After a few years, you kinda know what to expect from a lot of folks, both in style and quality.
If they are level 5, let's say, and you know the best they can get to is say a level 7, why critique them like they are at a level 20? Hence, then it is more of an encouraging, moral support kind of post.
There's a level five?
nothing you need to worry about yet, Jonsey!
"sounds good" is all you need to hear right now...
Indeed, Beagle; however, I think the reason for such high-toned critique is maybe the listener's palette is quite up there, but even if that I do think critiques should be somewhat down to earth.
And it's partly the fault of the person asking -- or not asking/detailing the kind of critique wanted.
"I did this arrangement and I would like one's opinion on it. Keep in mind, that this isn't to outdo/show up anybody."
Then of course, you ask about the specifics whether it be in composition and all it encompasses or production and all of it intricacies. I would hate for that disclaimer to be written every-time one is done. Again, you have to be specific in what you want in a given critique. And not all critiques are hurtful; many here are very constructive and helpful.
While it is helpful to compare yourself - don't take it literally, but as a guide. To draw a straight line using a ruler, you wouldn't draw
on the ruler, would you? Same goes with production/ All the how, why, why nots and numbers - though important things to pay attention to they're just guidelines.
Sort of like theory. You learn the ins-and-outs to go out more than in, so-to speak. However, you also learn that you're ITB more than you realize, too.
All in all, be specific about what it is you're going for - no matter what "level" you are.
As far as the topic goes: it takes time to craft, nurture/nourish anything - whether it's something simple or complex. If you're heart's in it, the time put into will reveal itself. I'm still working on a track from a year or so ago. I don't think it says much (I may be exhibiting modesty, here), but I put alot of time into it for it to not say anything.