My one and only commment and defense:
Everybody asks why I when into a diatribe over what Danny said, and notice how I use the word diatribe :meaning:ironic or satirical criticism. So not as Danny has taken it which was an attack on his soul. This is first what Danny wrote which made me believe his inference was aimed at me:
Rule of thumb 2: If you can't go into detail to tell someone how, when, or why to fix something while having the right recipe that REALLY works, have the ability to deliver the right description while in the right frame of mind like a normal human being with a pulse and a sense of compassion, do us all a favor and don't post anything negative. Actually, don't post anything at all...especially if someone is really crying out and trying to learn. All you'll do is further confuse them with your infinite...ummm...whatever you want to call it but make no mistake, it is NOT wisdom. Mods should ban you for drama and for being an attention prostitute that doesn't care for anyone but themselves packing this forum with after post.
Sharing links on the subject further confuses people. If you can't tell it in your own words in a language that an unexperiencied person can understand, don't bother wasting the space. If you do this and then try to be intimidating on top of it, how about just don't? I have a degree in hearing. The scope of my hearing test says "you suck and quite well I might well in fact, you are nearly at the engulf stage".
I can explain something in one long post that *most* people will understand way better than your stupid, boring, cop of another persons findings that sound spoken in a language other than English. In school that was known as "Cribbing". Don't let the net fool you, you're still not a good engineer no matter how good your search engine leads you to believe.
The day your friends start telling the truth is the day they really become your friends. We got enough sugar coating and horsesh!t around here to create our own Candy Land board game. There's nothing wrong with being nice, but for heaven sakes, when someone delivers something that sounds bad and is a Richard Cranium on top of it, don't feed their ego because they are your friend or you feel sorry for them. Just think, if everyone were more honest, we'd not have the creature known as "he whos name we shall not mention". You guys built him, now the rest of us are stuck with him. Thanks.
Then there is this:
Tip of the day: Don't ever fall into the trap like "those that shall remain nameless and clueless". If you ever don't know something, say you don't know. The people that act like they know everything would be way cooler and welcomed with open arms if they just fessed up that they didn't really know much at all. Instead, we are left with...well, you know the deal there.
Then Philip names me because Philip knows who Danny is talking about, so I suggested to Danny that I had everyright to be here just as much as him, no barbs apart from that, Danny must think that I live in a bubble, if he thinks I don't learn something new everday doing this audio thing.
Notice also how I was the first to chime in with no ego and said to BOTR (I wish he would give us his name) hey it takes 10 years of experiments and maybe some school and then listed key jumping off points such as: EQ, Compression and Effects.
I wouldn't even bother with this comment if I wasn't acused of having a massive ego and basicly being told I was a forum wrecker and I should bugger off. I mean the nerve. Danny has obviously got passive agressive issues, I'm just plain aggressive.
This is the techniques forum and I was putting forward some ideas about there being a third or forth way and here is another thing that all amateurs, hobbyists and pro's alike should be interested in. The disscussion of ideas.
How dare anyone suggest that we should not disscuss Ideas and that the way we record is set in stone. Because once again this is the inference that Danny is suggesting.
Finally BOTR and this is on topic we need to understand historical perspective, without it we don't know where we have been and we def don't know where we are going.
Danny in this thread has pissed on the Mona Lisa, actually criticising people who made what is considered by some one of the finest examples of popular music of all time. Surely this shows Danny has no artistic perspective at all, very dangerous. He may know a lot about technique and even that can be questioned when he critiques Bohemian Rhapsody and says and I quote:
If my answer is "absolutely not" in my mind, I've matured as an engineer as long as I can do better. I may not be able to write as good or play as good as that band, but in THIS scenario, we're looking at production/quality. I love Queen, but I'd never shoot for the production they got in Bohemian. And...chances are, because of my way of thinking, I might not ever come up with a mix that is as good. Then again...I might come up with something better, you never know. I actually thought of doing that. Replacing the bass, guitar and drums with my own and leaving Freddie sing on it
I'd be seriously questioning any indivdual and their information who said this.
Here ended the lesson, I'm off to do what I do best make music, make art and yes stir the pot, hmmm
As I said in that post, it was not directed at anyone in particular. If the shoe fits, wear it. Your name was never mentioned. Guilty conscience? Did something hit home? Everything I said was truth. Not just my truth, THE TRUTH. I and others see the stuff I posted on here all the time. Wake up...hello, McFly? *knocks on head*
Queen: I gave the tune props when in full song format. Sue me for not liking the instrument choices when solo'd up. I do not think I would be alone in saying "engineers of today would not accept the sound of that instrumentation unless they were specifically going for THAT sound." I said I loved the band, I said they were talented. So I'm no longer credible for saying I didn't like the instrumentation prints on a classic rock song that was a hit? I also said that I probably wouldn't come up with as good of a mix with more polished instrumentation, yet you never know....there IS a possibility for me to better it...and in my mind, I would. That doesn't mean anyone else would like means *I* would like it better and I'd better it to MY specs.
Ok, since you've totally twisted my words around and I'm not to be trusted, I'll go down in flames. Please add these to your list so that my credibility can drop more.
I don't like some of the sounds the Beatles got, but I love the Beatles. Oooh...I better build a fortress around me!
I can't stomach the sound of Steve Howe's guitar sound on the early YES albums, but I love YES.
I am not a Jeff Beck fan and though I appreciate him and can understand why people love him, he just never did anything for me.
I don't like Roger Daltry, Pete Townsend or his tone, but I love The Who.
I don't like Jimmy Page as a lead guitarist, but I love Led Zep. Ooooh...I better double that fortress now!
I don't like Bob Dylan's voice but I love his writing.
I don't like Neal Young's guitar playing but I like his tones and song writing.
I do not think Eric Clapton is God. I'd rather listen to David Gilmour or Eric Gales. Oh my, did he just say that? No he didn't...better enforce that wall with extra cement and sealer!
Janis Joplin was full of energy and a female icon, but had an annoying timbre to me.
I never liked The Greatful Dead and never understood why others did. Tones were always good though. Oh boy, now I've done it...9 trillion Dead Heads will show up my door and want to kill me!
I do not like The Rolling Stones AT ALL, but can understand why they are loved. Ok, that does it...someone will now drop a bomb on my house!
I never liked Aerosmith other than Tyler being one of the best frontmen that ever lived. I grew to like their newer stuff though. Why? Cooler production to MY ears.
Does the above make me less credible for not bowing down to these artists? I think not. I'm not slagging them, I just don't like the production some of them got and would not be caught dead attempting to land those tones unless I was asked to. All well and good for the times...some of them, still good for today but not my bag. I don't like things and worship them because "you're supposed to". I have that right. It doesn't tarnish my credibility, my experience or the knowledge I share.
Sharing links: All well and good if the entire topic shared is something like John T shared. However, I have watched people drop links with pages and pages in them to where you have to search to find the answers the OP may have asked. No one should have to read through all that. Get to the point, high-lite or post the part to read, answer in your own words if you can, be thorough, or don't post at all. How many people do you think read through huge posts while searching for answers? Book worms maybe, but certainly not someone that is asking for help on something specific and certainly not someone that may be new to this. Yeah, go on and confuse them're great at that as is.
I won't sit here and argue about the rest of your self-serving post that has done nothing to answer the OP's questions. You'd rather attempt to take good people down than do something good because you don't know what you're talking about and you have no good in you.
Be careful mentioning Philip's name. The man is a Saint and one of the few people left on this forum that has a little love for you. He didn't side with me or call you out...he showed you love and respect. He's a man of God and doesn't have an ounce of anger or malice towards anyone. Even to those that would attack him. Don't snap at him or bite him, he doesn't deserve it.
You snap at and bite those who have tried to help you, listen to you and reason with you. You're the dog that keeps poo'n on the lawns of our community. With each little turd you leave behind, the community gets sick of you. They try to reason with you, attempt to hear you out, listen to your pity posts to show you compassion, give you advice, show you love and courtesy when you don't really deserve it, yet you remain a turd burglar with a relentless trail of dung at every corner.
You not only degrade the community, you brag about your efforts because you sincerely feel you are higher up the ladder of intelligence than the rest of us followed by "you just don't get me or my art". We get you Ben...we got you since day 1. Your name may change, but your spots will forever remain. You go off and do what you're best at...just remember, it's not making music. It's making waves, bragging, creating drama and manipulating the truth in an attempt to gain attention in hopes that people bow down and respect you. Then of course, your degrees and how you know so much more than we do come into play and the whole place just goes to hell while you type incoherently and without purpose.
You'll never have a leg to stand on in this forum other than those that feel sorry for you. I did at first but I have to admit, I'm tired of ignoring the poo on my lawn and I'd bet all that I own that the majority here are sick of it too. They just choose to ignore you because those who have tried to reason with you always get snapped at because that's the nature of Ben.
Sorry Mona Lisa! (I never cared for her either...not my type. Great painting that I could not better or come close to, but I don't feel she is a very attractive woman just like the sounds used in Bohemian Rhapsody were not attractive to me when solo'd. So sue me!)