I'm guessing that, "record them in a smaller room" is not the answer you're looking for...
The floor may also be something to consider. If the warehouse has a concrete floor, you'll get a lot of early reflections off of it. Carpeting will help. If they can set up the drums as far from a wall as possible, you can minimize some of the damage. Plexiglass drum shields help to cut high frequencies, but won't help you much with the room sound. Close micing with unidirectional mics, noise gating, and careful EQing may be your better options
Another concern is having the giant drum sound bleed into vocal and guitar mics. Unidirectionals will help minimize it. Placing the drums farther away from the rest of the band may help you get better separation, but may negatively impact the band's performance (or the drummer's performance).
Just my opinions, though. Others may have better ideas.