If you simply want to create a sustain effect on that bass note I'd suggest a level envelope
. If you want to consider the applicability of 1400ms as a release duration I'd point out that 1.4 seconds is only a portion of 5 seconds.
A very useful thing is to equate the release duration to the tempo of the song so that you may relate it to note durations.
For example 1400ms is almost exactly a 1/2note at 86bpm.
What tempo is your song at?
If you want the effect to last for a 1/4 note, or whole note, or etc. you can work it backwards to figure out how long that is in milliseconds.
But the question remains; are you trying to use a compressor to create sustain on the tail end of a bass note?
Compressors turn stuff down... if you want to turn the level of that tail up just turn it up with a level, or trim, envelope and you'll have full control of the sustain.
best regards,