All depends..... on a number of factors.
During the school breaks...Christmas, spring and summer breaks...when my wife is home, I tend to not get in the studio much unless there is a project that needs finishing. I try to spend time with my wife during those weeks.
It also gives a much needed break to me from the studio and music... to recharge and get some new ideas.
When I have the time to hit the studio, without the demands of the family intruding and breaking a thought or idea..... I can easily get the music flowing and actually look forward to firing up the studio and writing.
Mod Bod: Dave.... I've heard that many of the hit writers actually analyze the newest hits for their chord progressions, use of new/different intercessor chords, groove, and several other factors to keep on top of the newest trends in the music biz. Kinda like a surfer scouting the sea for the next big wave coming his way so he can ride it. In the music biz.... all you have to do is catch one or two of those waves to make a huge difference in your life as a writer. Needless to say, I'm still looking that wave myself..... but I don't give up.
Yeah, the progressions are pretty much the same ones over and over.... it's the melody and the words that make all the difference in the world. That's what they pay you for.
I love the process of writing, and when I'm on it, I have no problem being motivated to get in the studio.
Currently, I'm getting ready to get back in gear as everyone heads off to college or school. (empty nest in 4 weeks)