Thanks guys. Been playing with Neutron the past day and there is a lot to like.
I took Whack's last song and ran it with Neutron and it really opened up some stuff. His voice has always been tough to mix since he has these spurious frequency eruptions on certain changes in his vocal approach that blow out the mix. Neutron did a Track Assist on him and it s honestly the best I have ever heard (which is nuts considering the amount of eq'ing I have done on him).
But make us redundant? Not yet. Maybe if you have perfectly recorded tracks with excellent tone, but that is surely not the case for most recordings.
As for the other stuff: since it is replacing Alloy 2, I really don't have a solid frame of reference since I never bought that plugin. The Neutrino shaping gizmo does nice smoothing, and the compressors work well. The masking identifier is great. However, the Learn mode is hit or miss. So you still have to use your ears.
The CPU hit, if you are running more than five instances, is dramatic, and sometimes causes stuttering and lost tracks (bass may be audible on playback, or it may not be). I have a brand new beast computer so you can imagine the strain!
That being said, it is the first version so I am sure updates will correct this stuff.
And MGH: Neutron isn't on the mix buss, so I am afraid that is just my lousy ears again!