Thanks, Fog, but input device is not the issue and read/write automation is on. Within the event list of this particular track, you see the notes and also the controller events. For example, there is one event for controller 7, setting the volume to 60. Then, across about five or six measures is a series of controllers...all of them CC10...setting pan from 0 to 127. If I were to assign this track to a channel in Cakewalk TTS, as the track plays through those measures, it reads the CC10 events and pans slowly from full left to full right. So, perhaps I didn't state the question clearly enough at first, but here it is: what do I have to do to get DimPro to read the CC10 events in a track and pan from full left to full right? It has nothing to do with input. It has everything to do with simply reading CC10 events in a track and acting accordingly. I don't mean to sound ungrateful for any responses, I'm just frustrated. Cakewalk TTS, Cakewalk Sound Center, EMU-Pro, all SI instruments respond to midi controllers without any special tweaking...and DimPro says it will, too...if you know whatever the secret is. I hope someone can tell me the secret. Thanks.