Again, from what I've read the C1 is supposed to be good. A pretty cheap way to maybe get a different vibe (I've never used it). But a lot depends upon what you are recording. A good signal chain should be able to capture any sound - some just do better at a specific task. I know one guy who has sold millions and he says he sets his different channel strips/preamps for specific instruments and never touches them. I imagine he exaggerates, if not lies, but it gets the point across.
If you are doing electric guitar work a sm57 would be an even cheaper way to go if you don't have one already. Double tracking w/ it might allow you to back off the gain on the Newman and get any grit from it.
But if you are doing acoustic guitar and other stringed stuff - a small condensor can give a different tone. I have a pair of Oktavas which are very good but have gone up to $300 since then. I know there are respected Chinese SDC that can be had for less than the C1, which might be the way to go if you are doing stuff other than vox (tho a SDC works really good on female vox) and electric guitar.
If you are mainly recording power stuff the C1 might work best.
That don't help much does? Just some ideas.