Thanks to all the advice I have received from the great people on this forum, I remixed this track. In revisiting the tune, I realized that I had never given it much more than a rough mix, of the type you take home at the end of a session just to see if all the parts are there and there are no bad mistakes. If this were 1956, and I were Gene Vincent (for example), it would have been on the radio in that form the next day. But we don't do that kind of thing in 2016
. My big hope now is that I have not sanded off the rough edges and spoiled the spontaneity that made it fun to begin with. Thanks again, everybody!
**********************Original Post*******************************
I was at a memorial gathering for an old friend when she caught my eye. Dressed in black -- black T-shirt, black leather pants, black stiletto boots. It took me an hour to get next to her, and then she told me she was my friend's ex-wife, divorced before I met him. Awkward. We had a sexting affair and I wrote this song for her. She never took me up on it.
I recorded it some years ago with SONAR 8.5.3 as a way to teach myself the software, later mixed it with X3. Now I want to try for a better mix with Platinum, and I'm open to ideas. Thank you for listening (it won't take 3 minutes).