Hi Jude77 - Sincere thanks. It is sad that a singer of the quality of Blue Brown who sang the song for me has just a niche following and yet at least in my view outclasses with ease those who are successful in the international arena. Such is the way of the world today. I also hope that one day the humble ballad does make a comeback. If it does, I will be waiting! But it better hurry up, I am getting a little old in the tooth!
Hi Tom / emeraldsoul - Sincere thanks. "Gods of commerce"? All of us here know them well! I regularly pour them a libation, more in hope than expectation. Perhaps I ought to change the libation from beer to a good malt whiskey - but it does seem a shame to waste such a precious amber nectar! Sorry, Gods!
Hi J.S. / blueice - Sincere thanks. So very pleased you enjoyed it.