chad Have you tried TouchOSC? (comes in iOS and Droid flavors) I've used this to make a template for z3ta+ 2 along with other softsynths. (just by assigning MIDI CC#s to knobs and sliders then using the MIDI Learn function on the synths) It works out pretty well, using the wireless MIDI option. If I clean up my TouchOSC templates maybe I'll post them online to share. Cheers Chad
Rain chad Have you tried TouchOSC? (comes in iOS and Droid flavors) I've used this to make a template for z3ta+ 2 along with other softsynths. (just by assigning MIDI CC#s to knobs and sliders then using the MIDI Learn function on the synths) It works out pretty well, using the wireless MIDI option. If I clean up my TouchOSC templates maybe I'll post them online to share. Cheers Chad I have it on my iPhone. Nice, but I get all sorts of interferences in the speakers and in the cans whenever the iPhone retrieves stuff on the network, no matter how I set it ip.