I recently upgraded from Dimension LE to Dimensio Pro, and installed Dimension Pro 64 Bit onw Windows 7 64 BitSonar X1 Studio. After that when somepatches are played , the system will hang both in standalone and VST. Contacted Cakewalk support , they asked me to re-install , but same issue. So I installed 32 bit version and it was working fine in standalone mode. But now, when I load Dimension Pro from Sonar X1 as VST, I am getting Dimension LE instead of Dimension Pro.
I tried re-scanning all VST's , but still the Synth insert menu is showing Dimension Pro but inserting Dimension LE
Cakewalk support is extremely bad on support and not getting any help on this , they just want to sell the product and don't want to support.
Can anyone on this forum help me on how to resolve this.
All was working well till I installed Dimension Pro.