Once I got past the sense that the tune was trying to figure out what it was . . .
Phil, my thoughts exactly.
Warren, thanks for the listen and glad you liked it. The bass is Ilya Efimov Fretless - (full disclosure - I love playing bass and usually do, but what I can't seem to do as well is
record the bass) - eq'd with everything above say 700hz completely removed and put through just a little chorus as well, then gently limited.
Beagle, many thanks! I especially like that you were surprised! Like many folks here, I have a difficult time accepting genres.
Yoropal, thanks and also for dropping Loveshadow on me, extremely good mixes that I really enjoyed listening to (like yours)
Thanks also
John B, Freddy, Stringjammer, Hill62, FiresongX, and Steve C . . . the kudos mean a lot. We all spend hours on this stuff for little obvious reason that makes any sense, so the feedback on this forum is definitely appreciated . . .