Cool one Jesse. Felt like a seamless mix of jazz and soft rock to me. Drums really catchy here...
You win the free wind chimes, you're the first person to notice that in my song. In fact, I try to put some soft rock into all my stuff...NOT!

just some of my stuff, but not this one, this one was straight up disco.
Cool as usual but for some reason I think it's a little TOO "low fi" - like you are trying hard to leave the edges rough? I'd vote for a little more polish, and more bass level, because this song I think is very good and very worth it.
Lyrics, melody, vocal delivery, pace - all great.
Hello Tom, I had to look up what low fi really meant. To be honest, I wasn't trying to leave the edges rough, they just turned out that way, mostly due to my inexperience. I was in a hurry, as usual, so didn't use any eq, compression, or reverb.
The acoustic guitar was di using one of those under the saddle pickups. The bass was di too, and I didn't use an amp sim. The electric was recorded di too, from the digital out of my Masrshall DSL 401.
Under the circumstances, I can see why you said what you said. It is very much low fi, but not intentionally.
esoul, you are one of the persistent listeners of my stuff, and I always appreciate your input. I will take to heart your suggestion to spend more time on this piece. Unfortunately, I accidentally deleted the file, so I will have to start from scratch, but I think I can do it, thanks.
Jesse Q. Screed