2011/05/16 02:33:22
Somehow I can't get the controller surface to work in either version.
In 8.3 the WAI-band on the left of the track isn't visible, and oddly enough pushing certain buttons on the righthand side of the VS-100 spawns midi-tones. Tried all sorts of permutations in the setup windows under Options|Controller surface but no go.
In X1 I can't find the setup for Controller surface. There is a WIA band, but the fader doesn't follow my choice of track and its volume setting. Transport buttons do work, but don't light up.
VS-100 updated to 1.50 firmware.

Now I had all this working fine with Sonar 8.3 under XP, but I can't find the right setup in either 8.3 of X1 under Windows 7 (64bits). I realize this maybe a rather vague post as far as diagnostics are concerned, but maybe someone can point me in the right direction.
2011/05/16 05:13:41
I have a same question
2011/05/16 10:49:40
M@ B
hello bartveld and mr p.,
in x1, did you:
edit>preferences>midi - control surfaces>in port and out port dropdowns - select "control (vs-100)">apply

wai settings are there as well.

also, i'm not sure if this common to all, but on my system, if i launch x1 without having first turned on the vstudio 100, the vstudio get knocked off-line and i must do what's described above in order to set it up again (annoying).

hope that helps.
2011/05/16 18:52:03
also, i'm not sure if this common to all, but on my system, if i launch x1 without having first turned on the vstudio 100, the vstudio get knocked off-line and i must do what's described above in order to set it up again (annoying).

This happens with all control surfaces, with all verions of Sonar (at least anything I've had over the years).
I agree - very annoying!
2011/05/17 04:45:03
I am a newbie with all this, but had my share of setup probs with VS-100 and A-300PRO.
I got all things sorted...but don't ask specifics...all I understand that after starting X1 with admin mode
everything magically went into the right places!

2011/05/17 13:12:11
Thanks for all the input. Yes, in X1 WAI is there, but again: the hardware slider does influence the software, but not vice versa (i.e. changing volume in software doesn't make the hardware slider move). This must be some setting, but which? And also, the transport buttons on the VS-100 don't light up at all (but they do function).

And the question remains how to make VS-100 work on 8.3 (i have both versions on my system).
2011/05/17 13:24:00
M@ B
if i were you i'd take this one to ryan munnis the cake tech. he'll get you going for sure or at least figure out why it's not working.
2011/05/17 14:49:22
M@ B

if i were you i'd take this one to ryan munnis the cake tech. he'll get you going for sure or at least figure out why it's not working.

Yeah, you're right for by now I have seen all sorts of weird behaviour without much system to it.
2011/05/19 08:05:26

Thanks for all the input. Yes, in X1 WAI is there, but again: the hardware slider does influence the software, but not vice versa (i.e. changing volume in software doesn't make the hardware slider move). This must be some setting, but which? And also, the transport buttons on the VS-100 don't light up at all (but they do function).
When you setup the VS-100 as a control surface, did you assign the "output" back to the VS? It sounds to me like the VS can feed to Sonar, but not receive from it.
1: Press P to open the preferences
2: Go to MIDI > Devices
3: Make sure "CONTROL VS-100" is checked for both INPUT and OUTPUT
4: Now go to MIDI > Control Surfaces
5: For the VS-100, your IN should be set to "CONTROL VS-100" and your out must be set to "CONTROL VS-100".
If that is how you have it set and it still doesn't work - you will have to call Cake tech support.
And the question remains how to make VS-100 work on 8.3 (i have both versions on my system). 
It should work the same as in X1. You can loosely use the steps I mention above, but of course, the Preferences windows are very different in Sonar 8 than they are in X1. Just find all the appropriate windows for settings, and you should be able to set it up.
I don't use Sonar 8.3 myself so I am not 100% sure the VS works with it. But I do use 8.5.3, and it definitely works there.
Good luck!

2011/05/21 04:13:39
codamedia, kudos to you! This has completely resolved the issue. Thank you very much!
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