Here are my suggestions for better user experience on new Command Center:
1. Let users pick a custom installation directory(!). There's another thread about this, so I don't go more into details.
2. Better yet, add an option to let users choose installation directory per installation, in other words, do not quietly suppress the option when installing an update. This would satisfy advanced users who want more control.
3. Don't force people to always download the installation packages again if they hit reinstall, add a separate option for it, or at least ask users if they want to use already downloaded installer instead.
4. Allow users to download installation packages separately without installation (also other thread about this).
5. Is reinstall really that important that it should show on selected product? I find it confusing that it shows there and first thought there wasn't even uninstalling option implemented. It would be more logical to have it on same menu where other admin features are, like right above uninstall option, you could add request 3. there too. Also, I'm not sure about the right click menu, you could add option for the product page like "Modify" and show those options under it or something, it would be more consistent than current way (but I get the idea that you don't want people to accidentally hitting those).
6. I can hide products, which is great. But how to unhide them? There should be some way to do this, in case I've hidden things that I want to access later on.
7. Serial numbers show on selected page, but no way to copy them to clipboard for easy copy/paste, maybe add a button for this or at least let users right click the serial and select copy to clipboard.