eph221, you've always been so kind to me. Thank you so much for that very generous comment.
I worried all week about posting this song, knowing what a mess I made of this version of the recording, and also knowing that this version is the only one I have, because "the dog ate the individual tracks" and so, to change anything, I have to start all over.
All I have left of this song on my hard drive is one sort-of-mixed track, this one. In a way, I'm glad I at least made this crummy, tinny mix of tracks 1-24 down to Track 25 before lightning struck. I still don't remember why I did that. Anyway, I'm glad I did because, no matter how misguided the mix, that's the only track that still exists of the song at all.
Sheesh, I wish I could just play and sing and some magic power would do all the recording, mixing, mastering and saving to Fort Knox for me. I'd sleep a lot better.
Thanks again for your kindness,
eph 221 :)