Nice! I liked the variety of lines and sounds you chose to use over top of the groove.
Thanks Steve.
Hi Ramesh,
This sounded okay to me and I liked the sounds you used throughout. I think that SoundCloud doesn't do any of the higher pitched percussion sounds any good because they convert everything to 128kbps.
Thanks Andy. Oh didn't know that. I always thought that the songs would be uploaded in the same format as the original as SC does seem to accept different formats. If they are all converted to 128 kbps, I guess its pointless to upload uncompressed formats. However, let me admit, in this case, I might have uploaded a compressed mp3, can't remember whether it was 256 or 128 kbps.
There are some very nice sections in this one Ramesh but, for me, it feels like it should go to a straight 4 on the floor when the beat comes in so it never really gets going. This is only a personal preference and technicaly it's very good.
Thanks Daryl. Oh yes, I am working on creating better layering as well as better step sequencing for the beats. I hope to create some better beat mixes.
Some nice sounds and the mix is good here, it does just wander slightly but I get that as some of mine are the same.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks John.