Thanks very much,
bitflipper. I'm (I think I'm) hoping to make a full production of this ....
Thank you, too,
jamesyoyo. McCartney is a such a great musician - it's sweet to hear I could play something that would bring him to someone's mind in some way.
Beagle and thanks for your comment and question.
I was using an mxl (dual-sided) v67. I agree that it sounds kind of squashed and odd here, especially with initial consonants of a few of the words near the beginning of the song.
Most likely it wasn't the mike, but that I probably messed up and accidentally had my Octa-Capture on some weird setting.
But I managed to get a kind of decent take first shot singing and playing the guitar simultaneously so I was happy and relieved. I thought I'd try to get by with what I had in that take and hope that nobody noticed the kind of crummy vocal sound.
Lazy, or just plain afraid I couldn't make it all the way through again without a major mistake. Guess I should have made some adjustments and tried again.
Thanks again, all, for taking the trouble to listen and comment!