Passive Drift
I agree with the others GREAT!
But I hear some late 60s as well... :)
Vocals seemed to be down in the mix in the beginning but came up later.
I think the backing vocals need to be laid back in the mix more.
Peace to all…
Thanks for listening to it, Dave. I've tried to tame the bgv's a bit, can you give it a listen and see if they don't sit better?
Man, I'm starting to love this song! I'm going to give you as much as I can hear…
(just Me) :) Too much is not really defined that well. What is too much? It's not consistent.
Hurricane and spider do not go together…
The intro is great for live but I would cut it about in half for a released recording.
Too much is not really defined that well. What is too much? It's not consistent.
Hurricane and spider do not go together…
You could replace the catastrophe’s and all others sopiders ;)
With is “baby” doing... over eater… to much loving… to much makeup… lol
It feels like Vocals start to get a bit hot at 50 sec.
First word “Please” is not coming though right.
I would put a really light under dub on backup Vox or if you have Reel ADT from Wave, that would do the same thing.
I hope I’m making scene? I’m only trying to help. This is a really cool song!!!
Just needs tweaking. IMO...