I must, even now, YEARS later, add my voice to the fans of the CWP3.0 sequencer software design and workflow!
Cakewalk made a big mistake when they decided to integrate the process of sequencing midi tracks into what is primarily an audio processing environment. The two processes are entirely and fundamentally different!
Sure you need to have some processing in the Midi/audio environment to 'fine-tune" your midi tracks (in a single environment)...but for me the fundamental elements of sequencing midi (which often involved cutting and pasting blocks of repetitive data) is simply impossible in the new products.
Give me CPW 3.0 anyday!
It is the workflow of 3.0 that was so well designed and easy to use (unlike the products that have 'mixed' audio and software) As a composer / muso its sequencing facilities were and are ground-breaking, even 20 years later.
But sadly it is rapidly approching extinction, as new operating systems, sound modules,, virtual instuments and and controllers follow the "New" and "Better" ways dictated by the "audio" clan (who prefer to just slap together someone elses "loops" and clips rather than write music from scratch..
I would gladly support a dedicted sequencer product so I can continue to create my 'own' music.
Just saying!