2019/01/15 02:12:11
In these last days before we are all dead meat I want to share a couple things glorious beyond everything glorious......
The period key on my 15 year old Levono laptop started working again................
I can now do sentences with a real live period........
It does not get any better than this
Oh crud
WOHOO (Jyotishvarii pounding on the key and it went down again)
Well it was fun while it lasted
I'm a bit drunk with pain meds after having two of the three sets of pins and hardware removed from my foot  They said the third set if removed would weaken the bones enough to predispose for future breaks so has to stay there  I am comforted that the surgeon says that in another month or so I will be able to kick the neighbor's dog when it craps in my yard
Love you all and will see you renegades on the other side
2019/01/15 02:14:11
My takeaway from this is... you finally got your period.
2019/01/15 02:24:05
Jyoung, my dear subtle brother
I have not been subject to this curse for 25 years and counting
You men are fortunate
When guys get as old as you there are no major milestones to mark old age and the terminal fade into dust
Thank you anyway for your compassionate and informed perspective
2019/01/16 00:59:14
Hey dear girl.
Just saw this and maybe got to be a bit softer on rev Jyoung.
Don't think he was putting you down, and there is a cultural difference I'm aware of for having lived where you call home.
Realize as well that much of the inane banter that goes on here is in the play of words for fun. I'm sure no personal attack was intended.
As we are hours away from having the lights turned off, may all reconcile differences. May all love one another, even if a significant number of us are irritating turkeys (myself first and foremost).
I'm having a hard time going through thousands of PM's and emails begging me to migrate to the new forum and continue the discourses in yoga. How can I refuse the overwhelming popular demand.
Problem is, I got no advocate that understands a grain of hell about any of this until you dropped in over some video issue and things went properly downhill as it was destined to happen.
My wish that you will set up communication there as well. There are few ladies taking up breathable oxygen with your class, but I don't have to tell you that. What you have to offer goes outside the bonds of a plugin or a digital recorder.
See you dear Jyotishvarii, see all you other respected saints and warriors on the other side.
Signing out,
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