after setting the room size and the reverb level, then overwriting and renaming the preset, the reverb level keeps resetting back to the previous position
when i start the song. the other adjustments (main volume, room size, etc) are staying where they should, it's
only the reverb level in tru-piano's interface that moves. if i reload the saved setting the rev level goes back to where i saved it, but when i start the song it moves from 20 back to 70.
anybody else ever have this happen?
thanks for any suggestions/solutions.
i have since found that the
room size in the true-pianos interface is the only parameter that stays at the saved setting, the others reset to their default setting when "play" is pressed on the transport.
i have come to find out that this may be a bug in the
x64 true-pianos module.
can those of you running in 64 bit recreate this behavior?