I definitely like the sound of this song. First thought was Alice In Chains but not as heavy. I love the pictures you paint with the words, though personally (and not a dig on you), I feel going with the f-bombs detracts from the impact and genius of the rest of the words. It's like you have $500 words with a few 50c words thrown in. Kinda cheapens it. This is just my opinion as someone that doesn't like to use or hear that kind of language, but I'm not judging. I promise.
Musically, this is a great mix. I honestly can't think of anything I'd change as for as music / mix goes. Thanks for sharing this.
hey thanks for bringing this up in fact. i myself actually debated over it for the same reasons; one of those being my 2-year-old little rocker who loves it but I make him listen to a private censored version lol - my buddy Chris came in with his rant and F-bomb laden "phone poetry" all over the place, which fit the "tone" of the song, societal alienation and basically living in a cubicle at work 70% of your life etc-- the death of the America dream -
but the "character" of the story actually speaks like that. it's actually based on a co-worker who destroyed his cubicle one day after being fired then wrote all this sappy angry suicidal crap on Facebook - hence the lyrics - but his life was truly destroyed by a corporate takeover and firing. there are some subtle political references, more at a political zeitgeist with a bit of a fist bump to my Mexican friends, of whom I have many, living here in Florida etc- but less at a political song and more at a social commentary/ mirror song etc- inside an artistic soundscape that combines a few styles
your point is very well taken tho- thanks again -
- Daren T