I recently bought a RME babyface pro,
and this little demo is PARTIALLY an experiment in learning the interface, and how good the quality of the capture is.
the demo you are hearing, is a lightly mastered file, that's been dithered down to 16bit/44.1khz...so.....
i experimented with bit rate 32bit and sampling at 96k.
with the great improvement in convertors over what i had, i can really hear the diff, after using a Maudio Audiophile 192 pcie card for about 8 years.
once i dither everything down to 44.1khz/16 bit, will i still hear the diff?
well, yes, because the depth and quality of the capture still translates down.
the big caveat here,
is that you have to have decent playback system, and decent convertors, to really hear the sound diff,
but if you DO have those things, it's obvious.