I don't know, I like the reverb on her voice. Everything else seems fairly dry, so I don't think it is overdone.
Nice song, really strong vocal. Mix is pretty good as well.
Thanks Dan. But you guys are supposed to be my objective ears, because I can't make up my mind half the time whether there's too much reverb, not enough compression, drums too loud, etc. If I wanted conflicting thoughts, I'll just ask myself. LOL!
I'm kidding of course, and definitely appreciate ALL comments and suggestions, even if they do conflict with each other. Normally I put extra reverb, delay, and/or chorus on my own vocals (anything to make them sound better), but with Jane singing this song, I went pretty lightly on the efx. I did have a fair amount of digital delay on the drums, to give them that live feel. There's a setting in Breverb for drums called "Alive". That's my go to setting for many of my drum tracks.
Anyway, thanks again for listening and taking the time to comment. Keep 'em coming please!