Thanks for the thought/idea...
But my problem is with the editing, not the recording...
A new issue now that we have a feature set called comping...
I don't use comping mode for recording at all at this time...
Comping for me is all about selecting the best portions of takes to use for actual finals...
Right now it appears that the zoom settings for lanes are all about comping only... Not conducive for a lot of editing for many of us.
It appears they are trying to deal with the selection of clip portions all the time and not making allowance for those of us who frequently need to do more intricate editing on these Kane's as well... Or at least they feel the max zoom for lanes to be big enough? We don't all find this comfortable and trying to switch to track view and edit there doesn't always work due to overlaps and such...
Similar issue for smallest zoom. They have set a minimum zoom trying to alliw fir a certain amount of display for the related buttons and notes but many of us find the need to see more lanes on screen at one time than the notes and buttons...
Here's hoping we get an unannounced adjustment to these limitations... Though I'm not holding my breath... ;-)