I am still struggling with this, however, I am making progress. I have tracked this issue down to my Moog Slim Phatty, and it does not seem to be USB ground loop related.
Here are the symptoms - on the Focusrite interface, I turn up the input on the Moog. I get a wicked buzz from the monitors. This happens whether or not the Moog's power is actually plugged in.
As soon as I unplug the TRS cable from the Moog, the noise simply disappears. I have tried different cables, but it has no effect. Would balanced vs. unbalanced cables have an effect? The output of the Moog is unbalanced, but the cable is a balanced cable. (I don't have an unbalanced cable to test).
I do not have the same issues with any of my other synths, and I have changed inputs on the Focusrite as well, and the problem follows the Moog.
I guess I don't know where to go from here.