Occasionally I'll mix a song to make it sound like a live concert recording.
I'll do this for two reasons. First, I tend to write/play/record songs that have that loose, garage band sound (which is perfect for a live setting). Second, like many old sitcoms, a laugh track is added to trick the viewer into thinking a joke is funnier than it actually is. In a song, a cheering audience tricks the listener into thinking the song is more exciting that it actually is.
Or sometimes, it's just fun to "play rock star", and hear what your song might sound like in front of an enthusiastic audience.
And hey! If it's good enough for the professional bands to sweeten live recordings with more cheers and crowd noise, then it's good enough for me.
If nothing else, it shows off my mixing skills.
Anyway, I basically just had fun in creating this faux live recording, and the song ain't that bad either (I also have the "studio version" available online as well). Flick your Bic, wave your arms, and enjoy!
This particular song was inspired by Santana's Woodstock performance of Soul Sacrifice, with lots of percussion and a brief drum solo.