I'm no mix master that's for sure. I like your song. But I wanted to say that I really like what you done with the vocals. It sounds like you removed some of the bass or lower mid range parts on the vocals leaving it mixing better with the rest of the tune. Sorry that's just what I am hearing and like I said I'm no mix master, I just work with my ears.
This is a much better mix, my only suggestion would be to add some reverb to you vocal mix. And use an EQ to make things a little brighter and crisp on you piano. Maybe a little bit more bottom end on the drums with the EQ giving it a bit more punch. Just a few crazy suggestions. I think a lot of the mixes that sound the best are using EQ moreso than compression. In the old days, compression made cassette tapes able to produce more sound, now in the digital age, maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think it's needed as much. JMO...........
Like I said I am no Mix Master. Just a few of my thoughts. And don't take my advice as ADVICE, take it as possibilities and something you might try. Remember there are no rules to anything.
I like this tune, and your vocals sound good also. It just sounds like your mix lacks a little bit of crisp EQ higher settings on it in my opinion.
Take my opinions as a grain of salt and like I said I am no mixmaster, I can only tell you what I hear.
Enjoyed hearing this, I hope this helps. Keep on Keepin' on!!!!!