Thanks Serious_Noize, that's very kind of you to say. I'm very much like you when listening to other people's songs from this forum and other music forums. They often seem to have that magic "X" factor that crosses the line from a song I might create to a genuine professional sounding song.
I've been writing and recording for almost 40 years now, but it wasn't until the last few years that I've been making a serious effort into learning how to mix and master like the pros. And I humbly say that I've seen a big improvement in my songs from those I recorded a few years ago. I've read countless books on music production, as well as watched many video tutorials. I've learned how to separate each instrument, either by panning, or by EQing, and give each instrument it's own space. I put a special emphasis on the blending of the kick drum and bass, for me that's my starting point.
I'm still far from being an expert, a lot of my projects are just a lucky hit or miss kind of thing, but at least now I know some tricks of the trade to guide me. This song for example was part skill and part luck. The two guitar parts (not including the lead guitar), I randomly searched and eventually picked two different sounds from the Evolution Strawberry Guitar, and they blended really well together, and I panned them 30-L and 30-R, so the blending is a bit more noticeable.
I also rely on presets a lot. I've gotten pretty good at mixing, but mastering is still something I need to have more experience with. I use iZotope's Ozone 7 for mastering, and again they offer a lot of presets (some I use as is, and some I tweak), but I find the right touch of compression (something that was a complete mystery to me several years ago) can make the song have that X factor. Ozone's many modules may seem overwhelming at first, but by trial and error, I've learned a lot about mastering from simply using that software over and over again.
But I feel I still have a ways to go to make my songs sound as good as many of the songs I hear from this group.
But thanks again for your compliments, it tells me I must be doing something right!