@Jarvse... All my swords are in the shop for repairs and the only axes I own are the six string kind... although I have had to klonk a few "over enthusiastic" audience members with them back in my wilder days. lol
@mgh... There do seem to be a few of us. I think the Sonar flagship package is really quite good for metal (good drums, guitar sim, effects, etc) so I'm not sure why there aren't more metal hounds using it. I just needed to upgrade a couple things at first (TH2, Guitar Rig and I had to get BFD Eco back with X1 but AD2 does a good job on it's own with the right ADpaks).
As for the "trigger" click-kick sound I usually avoid that myself but you're right, a trigger sound would work for this style. Thanks for checking it out.
@soens... I'm not sure if this particular song would technically qualify but the genre is referred to as "Unblack" metal. Basically Norweigian Black metal but with X-tian lyrical content. It was a pushback against the real over the top satanic stuff that was going on in Norway a while back in the Black metal scene.
I'm not a religious guy myself but if the music/message is intended to uplift and spread goodwill... well that I can get behind. And with riffs like what Jarvse puts together it taps into MY version of "religion"... which is music.