thanks Wook-it`s certainly a different beast to my mix but that`s what the pro`s are for.
am flattered to think you may think I am in the band but I`m 61 and I posted because I recorded it and it shows brief glimpses of my studio.
I have been recording this singer for about 7 years,in as many lineups-he`s like a perennial bloom.
come to think of it,the same faces keep turning up in different bands-I guess that`s why they call it a "local scene".
my band(a 3 piece with a combined age of 170 years)is going strong after 18 years and as we age we`ve developed a taste for funk which has kept the interest up.we have around 30 songs recorded but can`t agree on which to release.
at this stage in our lives we are over the fortune and fame aspect and to drop a few k on mastering and production so we can give them away to friends is not worth it-been there.the weekly rehearsals and camaraderie are what keeps us going.