why weren't you going to bother posting here?
LOL! Yeah... I'm just being a bit cranky of late. That last one I posted hardly garnered any comments at all and I guess I got a bit cheesed off with that. Every time I post here I always pay my dues and I must have listened to, and commented on over twenty songs in all.
When I think back to some of my earlier offerings I was getting plenty of attention. I think M81, for instance, had getting on for nearly thirty different peeps chipping in with comments.
I guess that the forum has evolved a bit since then, as some peeps take a break from here, much like I did myself.
Anyway, thanks for having a listen Steve. I know that I've gone off at a funny tangent lately, musically speaking, and although I am enjoying what I am doing the end product has very limited appeal.
yep. needs a melody or film to hold your attention i think. what's there is perfectly well recorded, sounds good, just as a standalone piece is a little boring
Thanks Mark. I appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment.
It sounds great, but a little to uneventful for my taste. I guess that's the genre.
Thanks for listening Steen. I know it's hard work listening to this stuff and it's so easy to back out, switch off and not even bother commenting, so I appreciate the effort that you put in.
Kind of an early Klaus Schulze sound to it, like a voyage to a dark foreboding planet in a creaky clanky spaceship. I like it!
Hi Bjorn,
Yeah, I think you got it... GCU Transient Atmospheric Phenomenon is indeed a space ship. I am a big fan of Iain M Banks (RIP) and especially his "Culture" series, from which this ship hails from.
Thank you for listening and commenting.
cheers to you all,