2018/09/17 18:03:34
Here's a collab just completed between myself and Daryl Greenway. I've had the chord sequences knocking around for years, and recently sent them Daryl, who wrote the song around them and arranged it all into this;
Hard Times
I played a couple of guitar parts, Daryl did all the rest. Hope you enjoy the result 
2018/09/17 19:19:16
Beautiful song James/Daryl. I loved the chord progession and the guitar tone. The lyrics were great, as were the vocals. The mix sounded good, but I felt it had a little too much low end. It didn't take away from the song though. Sounded really nice!
2018/09/18 09:19:30
I thoroughly enjoyed this mate - got anything else hidden on your hard drive? 
2018/09/18 12:01:26
Beautiful song James/Daryl. I loved the chord progession and the guitar tone. The lyrics were great, as were the vocals. The mix sounded good, but I felt it had a little too much low end. It didn't take away from the song though. Sounded really nice!

Thanks Bob!
2018/09/18 12:02:00
I thoroughly enjoyed this mate - got anything else hidden on your hard drive? 

Me too Dazzer! I'll have a rummage around....

2018/09/18 14:21:10
Naiz juan boyz.
2018/09/18 18:31:28
Great track guys.    I wish I had one of these tracks just lounging on my hard drive:)    You could add some latin percussion to chorus, that would be cool.   Well mixed and performed. 
2018/09/19 06:00:32
Naiz juan boyz.

Fanks mayte.
2018/09/19 06:00:52
Great track guys.    I wish I had one of these tracks just lounging on my hard drive:)    You could add some latin percussion to chorus, that would be cool.   Well mixed and performed. 

Thanks Mark! 
2018/09/19 10:17:41
Nice easy listening track with some thoughtful lyrics, nicely played, sung and captured, thanks for sharing chaps.
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