I happen to agree with James , your tune has potential and it may certainly be worth a revisit ....
The bass part and the drummer need to get on the same page if you happen too do the song over ...
Other than that , just for you my friend needs more Tele 
Thanks Kenny, it is chopped full of mistakes no doubt. I've been working on trying not to make those in the future by practicing lately on things I didn't in the past when I made this tune up and recorded it.
LOL! I was the bass player/WANNA BE TRYING and the DRUMMER/trying to find my way at the time using bad midi techniques. LOL, when I recorded this I was just happy to be recording again.
LOL!!!! AND YES!!!!!!! It is in desperate need of a TELE!!!!!!
My heart cries when listening to this tune thinking of that illusive TELE that should brandish it's sound on the higher plains of the internet while gracing it's way with a somber sound in the twilight of a gracefully bombastic sound.
Hahahahaha, Uh, I was trying to say, that when "All else fails the TELE will tell the sound that time should be telling". Or is it "TELE"'ng?.
I've been trying to learn fingerpicking style because it's so much fun, but I guess I need to grab a pick and get back to beating on the strings instead of play with them! Hahahahaahaha
Thanks again Kenny, your music and playing are a great inspiration to all my friend!!!