Thanks Bobby for your comments on my vocal song , yea like I had mentioned before it's been four years or so singing and writing lyrics so I'm rusty at it but hey I gave it my best with this one that was more of a joke song for my long time best friend Steve .
He lived in Las Vegas for many years and told me about this place called the Red Rooster so after giving me the details I started calling him the Red Rooster everytime I called him . LOL
Then I got this ideal in my head to create a song for him called " Red Rooster " .
This is the first song I have created that has sexual overtones and Lyrics but there's really nothing too dirty in the lyrics .
Yes it's not a Christian song , the devil might be thanking me for this tune ! LOL
Dam let's hear it for James , this one is for me ! LOL
Thanks again for the listen and comments Bobby !
LOL maybe next song I will do a Christian song and really blow every ones minds !
There is nothing wrong with the content of your song James, it's a risky type of content word wise type of song. I don't get why nobody isn't listening or replying, that just ain't right. You poured your heart out, funny song or not and followed everyone's advice on what they thought you should do listening to this new version.
It's a story song with a character called "THE RED ROOSTER" character singing he is the king of hooking up with girls.
I enjoyed hearing the music a second time to figure out what it was all about. The words were really entertaining. Music was spot on. You should post more songs with words because that's what everyone wants to hear, ya know A SONG. Although only people over their 40's would get this song as a joke guess.
It does have some sex content in there with the words. But it's in a comical way. Like I said though, Not everyone will get the comical side and the fact that you wrote this for a friend of yours who told you a story and had some fun making a song with words with it.
Either way, This was really great the more I listen and think about what you started with and ended up creating. That's what so many are missing.
That's my full review James, I'm no Mix Master, You know that, and I am your Friend : AT LEAST I HOPE SO: but I wanted to point a few things out others might have missed.
Please post all future songs with words & vocals and FINISHED and roll from there........
Enjoyed hearing this AGAIN with the REMIX.....