Mix # 2 Up! 5-6-16 Major thanks for all your input and suggestions, truly appreciated, you guys rock!
For this mix I re-tweaked the bass guitar EQ to try to wring out some more definition. Then I tried to thicken up the chorus vocals a bit without raising the volume too much, by recording two doubles one of the lead vocal and one an octave lower, then threw a distortion plugin on them for a touch of grit and EQ change, panned them dead center between the wide panned chorus harmony vocals, and then brought them up just barely audible below the main vocal. I'm hoping that did the trick. Sorry, Mesh, old buddy, I tried singing a higher range, 2 part vocal harmony pad, and it sounded okay, but I couldn't get it to fit in with the other elements in that busy chorus section.
I also took our buddy Bapu's dynamite catch on the bone dry guitar drone riff, and routed it with a send to my guitar reverb bus, and then lowered the track volume on it about 2 1/2 dBs to make up for the added gain from the reverb.
Sincere thanks to everyone who took time to listen and provided input and observations, and please let me know if you have any other ideas or suggestions!
Have a great weekend!