Bugs 1- Prochannel UI update when switching from buss to track view or vice versa on the console, everytime 2- Show LED meters of instrument track on the console - Thanks!
3- Allow to unarm instrument tracks individually and make the ARM button light when the track is armed
4- When clicking on an open window with the mouse, keep the focus on the currently selected prochannel module
5- When the EQ button is lid, double-clicking a VSTi in the rack should lit the "ACT" button while displaying the ACT parameters on the console 6- When the SEND button is lid on the console, double clicking a VSTi in the syth rack should display the ACT parameters and light the ACT button on the console 7- OFFSET button should light when engaged 8- Display should display information instantly when changing tracks/bus 9- All VIEWS should return to their previous state (maximised - half expanded) when switching for one to the other 10- Allow special characters to be displayed correctly on the console
X2 integration 1- Remember last selected prochannel modules when changing channels selection 2- When selecting automation on a track containing multiple automations, all actual LANES should be spread accross the console first 8 faders, allowing BANKING and individual selection/editing of each
Direct mixer 1- Allow banking to control all track in the mixer (preamps + digital + DI + Fantom + ARX) 2- Ability to renames channels 3- Ability to change channels order
Step sequencer When the step sequencer is in focus, gives the ability to edit the steps with the console (move farward, backward, down, up, select, copy) with the arrows of the jog wheel and ADD or REMOVE notes with OK and CANCEL buttons
General console functions 1- Multiple track selection/spread selection using the channel select in edit mode 2- Buss arm: arm all tracks routed to this bus 3- Ability to assign modifier buttons 4- When channel strip encoder are assigned to "input" selection, pushing the encoder select "NONE" 5- Pressing "Command+Assign" recall a pop-up window for global meter display settings - Thanks!
6- Pressing "Command + Track" insert a bus - Thanks! 7- Pressing "Command + delete" delete the selected track but send a confirmation window before doing so. Thanks!
8- Pressing "Command + Send" create an fx send on the selected track or bus Thanks!
9- Allow fx insertion on instrument and midi tracks 10- Page Left/right buttons in the channel strip control allow to navigate through up to 16 fx send 11- While in "Layer view", +8/-8 buttons scroll through layers of a channel in bank of 8 12- Allow usb keyboard emulation to program any sequence or combination of keyboard keystroke and associate it with any combination of modifiers and console's buttons Hardware 1- Ask Roland to publish a plan (destined to a qualified technician) to convert the ¼ line inputs to ¼ direct outs 2- Untie sub and main volume on the console (since it is done before the DA conversion, I assume it can be done via software...) 3- Abillity to change the sample rate without rebooting the interface 4 - Design an extra 8 channels expansion module which could be daisy-chained with the console using multiple propriatery cables (or USB?)
Edition Allow selecting track by time with the now time cursor - Select a channel on the console
- Hold ATL+Jog wheel to select a time period
- Spread the selected time accross tracks by holding SHIFT+CTRL and selecting channels on the console OR pressing a bus select button to spread the selection across the tracks assigned to it
- Copy, cut , paste , split and delete the selection directly OR hold CTRL and use the jog wheel to take a copy of the selection and drag it to the desired location (as we do with the mouse).
Zooming 1- Command+Jog Zoom at the « Now time » cursor 2- ALT+ Jog temprarily disengage snap settings to allow the Now Time cursor to scroll faster through the project 3- Allow zooming in the PRV with the console Bus mode: The Bus mode allow quick navigation and adjustment of all the tracks which are routed to a single bus. Similar to "Branch Mode".
1. Press "Command+sel" while in the bus fader view
2. The bus led start to blink and all audio tracks routed to this bus are displayed on the console channels. * If "touch fader select track" is enabled in the console property page, Sonar will temporarely fit the bus' assigned tracks height to fill the track view screen, otherwise Sonar's view won't be affected.
3. If more than 8 tracks are routed to this bus, using bank buttons allow to navigate the tracks which are routed to this bus only.
4. Standard effect insert, panning, input, output, volume and MSR are availible to adjust separate tracks, just like in Track fader view. 5. Press the bus blinking button to exit bus mode and return to bus fader view.
Plugin mode:
1. Press "Ctrl+sel" to choose a track or a bus
2. Press "Arm" on one of the eight channel strip to determine the position of the effect that will be inserted.
3. The plugins or plugins folder will be displayed one per channel strip on the 2 rows of the display for a total of 16 availible at a time.
4. Press "Mute" button of the corresponding channel strip to insert the plugin or folder located in the first row of the display or press "Solo" to select the one in the lower row of the display. 5. If you choose a folder, all the folder content will be expanded on the 2 row of the display. Press "arm" button to close the current folder and come back to the previous view. 6. If there are more than 16 plugins or folder availible, scroll the rows by bank of 16 by turning any channel strip's encoder (clockwise +16, counter-clockwise -16).
7. Effect chains will be shown as well.
Fantom mode: The Fantom mode allow direct control over the Fantom built in mixer, effect and an easier and faster access to its sound bank.
1. Press "Alt+command+I-O control" to enter Fantom mode
2. All faders on the VS700c will update to show the current position in the fantom mixer
3. The display will show all the categories , in bank of 16. The category containing the currently selected sound will be identified by the the matching "Mute" or "Solo" button on the appropriate channel strip. *Those buttons, rotary encoders and the console display while in Fantom mode will always be used for presets selections, allowing faster and easier preset navigation at any time
* See « Fantom preset selection »
*+8 and -8 button will scroll through the 16 channels of the fantom mixer *FLIP button will toggle the faders and banking buttons between the Fantom and Sonar's mixer *Flip + command will toggle between 2 Fantoms when two VS700R are connected
4. Some basic elements of the Fantom are availible in the channel strip control section. The ACT button keeps its usual function for user custom settings.
* See « Fantom control » Midi edit mode Midi edit mode lets you instantly focus on midi data and let the user navigate in the piano roll view as he would in the track view.
1. Press "Command + Edit" buttons to access Midi edit mode
The console will update its display to show all tracks containing midi data (including instruments tracks) and ignore all other audio tracks. 2. Select the track to be edited with the corresponding track's "select" button.
Selecting notes
The transport controls ( jogwheel and arrows) will let you scroll through the notes in the piano roll view. Instead of an edit cursor, the position of the now time cursor will be shown by the corresponding note being selected, the one closest to C4, instantly availible for edition.
Scrolling with the jogwheel move the selection right or left, one note at a time and the up/down arrow select the notes above or below. The snap to grid setting is ignored for navigation. 3. Pressing "enter" add the note to the current selection, cancel remove it.
4. "Snap" button quantise the selection
5. "Set" button fit the midi content to the track
6. Holding "ctrl + Jog" allow velocity adjustments
7. The Flags enable adjusting all selected notes lenght, from start or from the end point, with the jogwheel.
8. "Command + Jogwheel" zoom at the currently selected note
9. "Shift + Jogwheel/arrows" move selected note on the snap grid