Many bass synths transpose the key mapping to sound an octave lower than normal on any given MIDI note number. This faciliates playing bass on compact keyboard controllers with a limited range. Most, if not all, Dim Pro bass patches do this. In addition, there is no universal standard for octave numbering. SONAR labels Middle C (MIDI Note Number 60), C5. Some software/hardware vendors label it C3 or C4. SONAR's convention eliminates the need to use negative octave numbers to cover the full MIDI note number range.
The important thing is that the synth can play a low E at 41Hz, regardless of what MIDI note number or DAW octave that sample is mapped to.
As Steve indicated, if you want the bass part to display in the 'normal' octave in the PRV or Staff view, the easy way to do that is to enter +12 in the Key+ (Key Offset) setting in the MIDI/Instrument track for the bass.