Hi Lynn ,
I happen to like the idea of this thread topic in the Songs Forum .
I feel the same way as your self and a few folks that have already shared .
Since I've been here as a member for a while . I feel like having a little fun …
Part One Of K…'s Polygraph Test ….
Q , Why are you here ?
A, I'm here because I'm not all there .
Q, What do you mean by that ?
A, I got tired of not having any control over my music . I was running all over town playing guitar for a bunch of shady characters ..Some Known …many just legends in their own mind ..Either way I had nothing tangible to show for my music so I came here …..
Q, OK , What are you getting out of being here ? Why do you stick around ?
A, When I came here , I was a newb to computers and how to use them to record , I was not a newb to playing on other peoples recording sessions …I thought I may benefit from cutting out all the external BS and learn a new skill.
Q, Hows that going ?
A, Everything I have ever learned about how to record with a computer and a DAW started here …
Also many people here helped me out configuring my hardware and system .
Q, What do you think about the Songs Forum ?
A, Overall , for me personally , I happen to think the songs forum is a very good creative outlet .
I look at it along the lines of a much hipper Open Mic type of thing and I enjoy participating and interacting with many of the members that post songs here . For me it fills a social need that is absent in my day to day life and GEO location …
Q, Hhhmmm OK , good answer , hows about we step up to the plate and play some hard ball ?
A , OK , I'm game .
Q, Do you compete with your fellow song members ?
A, No , I do not …
Q , How come ?
A, I'm not here to compete with people , I'm just here to share …
Q , Are you telling the truth ?
A, Yes I am . Hey man , don't you know ? You'r the one thats got me hooked up to all these freaking wires ….
Q, Just checking ..
A, OK .lol
Q, Do you listen to the songs before you comment ?
A, Yes I do , usually more than once because there are times when my personal moods may be someplace else and I do not want that to affect my feedback on the song …
Q, That sounds like a lot of work ..
A, It is
Q, What happens if you hear a song by a member and you think the song need a lot of work , will you tell the person the truth ?
A, Yes I will . I do not believe there is any "Rank" here on the songs forum and I try my best to find the common ground . By that I mean , I may be good at one or two things and I may need a lot of work in may areas , so I extend that leeway to another song poster who may or may not have skills in a few areas …
I try my best to hear what the artist is trying to say from their point of view first before I get judgmental .
Q, Why go there ?
A, The reason why I go there is because most of the people that post songs here genuinely want to share their creative efforts and feel a bond of fellowship with some of their forum friends here.
A lot of us here may end up working alone . In many cases we have to go places in our music where we may need more growth and development …
Q, OK what do you mean ?
A, Well in my case , I tend to focus on the guitar .
Yet, I've had to learn things that normally I would not have wanted to learn how to do ….
Way too many to list at this point from all ends of the musical production spectrum …
When I listen to a forum members song I may notice they may be weak in a few areas …
In some cases they may be weak in the same areas I'm weak in …or it could be other areas I'm still trying to get better at …
Q, Why cut them so much slack ?
A, Other people have cut me slack for years . It's all a two way street Bro . I'm here to learn and be supportive …
Q, So What's your point ?
A, My point is rather simple
Most of the things I need to do to bump my music up to the next level involves spending money wisely ..
Q WTF ? What do you mean ….
A, I really do not want to inflict my Music upon the world the way it is …the music I post does have emotion that corresponds to what I'm trying to convey and it is the best I can do for now all alone …
Still I would much rather be in a position to have a budget to hire professional players to play the instruments I do not play all that well ..ex …real drummer , real key players , real Bass player , real Mix engineer ..ect ect…
Q, So why go there then ?
A, A lot of people are in the same boat here on the songs forum …they are just doing the best they can with what they have …
Q, OK that seems to make sense …just a few more questions K…OK ?
A, No ……get these freaking wires off of me …….
Q , What do you think of ……. ?
A , Get these freaking wires off of me …….Dude…get these freaking wires off of me …….
I've already said enough …
all the best ,