Warren wanted more bass
Rimshot wanted more guitar
Danny wanted horns in their own place
And the ride is now(?) fixed
James thought the crashed were too loud
Hopefully I made it better all the way around.
22 May 2012 Remix ->
Everyone wants... ;)
I like where the vox sits. I think it would be a little hard to listen to pulled out any more. He can SING, no doubt about that, its just a question of whether one finds it pleasing or not. I saw some comments about smoothing it out with melodyne - did you do that on this version? Just curious.
I'm having problems with the backing vox on the chorus. I'm it isn't the harmonizing, though - that's fine. I think it's too "round" somehow - or maybe not coming from the "right place" in my headphones? I wish I could better explain.... on the other hand, completely fabricating a backing vox with Antares... nice.
What's that sound at 3:28?? I thought something had happened to my computer.... then I heard it again underneath and it was ok, but at 3:28 it stuck out funny.
But overall - I think the mix is good. And, it's GREAT to hear MoochieMooch playing (all sorts of stuff)!!