This might do well on A Prairie Home Companion.
Super nice feel to this. Performances seen very solid . . .
How would it sound with a bass that is more upright/acoustic-y? Just wondering.
Perhaps an echo of Dan's comment about a melody - your piece is great as is, but having just listened to it, I can't really recall what the melody was. I'm probably missing out but I don't know if I felt a "hook" in there - I know this is not Justin Bieber music so maybe the performances stand on their own.
The Ken Burns Civil War music is in the same vein but for some reason, perhaps because of the abundant repeition of a particular theme, sets the hook. Maybe it's the "trills" in your melody that hide the melody, to my ears, OR that you have a ton of themes going on.
Your piece is remarkable (listening for the second time now) in that it invokes a Mariachi style, and a Austrian beer hall style, and it's the same tune. I don't know if those were any influences to you.
At 3:20, right at the end, a little mistiming of the guitar I think?
The middle guitar section was very well recorded, as is the piece generally.
I'm just picking nits, really. Nice tune. You clearly know what you are doing here . . .